The Fourth International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking

Hammamet, Tunisia, May 02-05, 2018

Call for Tutorials

Unet 2018 seeks half-day tutorial proposals that cover topics relevant to the field of ubiquitous computing and networking. Each tutorial should cover a single topic in depth. For any further information, please contact the Tutorial Co-Chairs: Fethi Tlili ( and Mohamed El Kamili ( 

Tutorial Proposal Format

Each tutorial proposal (maximum 4 pages) must include: 

  • Title of the tutorial.
  • Name, affiliation, contact, and a short biography of speaker(s).
  • Intended audience and prerequisite knowledge or skills required.
  • A description of the technical issues that the tutorial will address.
  • An Outline and a tentative schedule of the tutorial.
  • If appropriate, a description of the past/relevant experience of the speaker(s) on the topic of the tutorial.
  • A description of previous experience of the speaker(s) in presenting tutorials or organizing summer schools.

Tutorial Proposal Submission

Proposal should be submitted in a single PDF file for review via EDAS .

Tutorial Proposal Timeline: 

  • Proposal Deadline: December 1st, 2017  December 17th, 2017
  • Notification of Selection: December 15th, 2017  December 24th, 2017

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